Juan Francisco Martínez Peria

Juan Francisco Martinez Peria is a lawyer (UBA), holds a Master’s in Political Science and Sociology (FLACSO), a Master’s in History (Universidad Pompeu Fabra), and a Ph.D. in History (Universidad Pompeu Fabra). He has been a Postdoctoral fellow of CONICET. Juan serves as a lecturer in Latin American and Argentine history at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at UBA, UNSAM, UNR, UNVM, and IUNMa. He is also the director of the history program at IUNMA and coordinates the history department at the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación. He has been a visiting lecturer at the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of San Pablo. Additionally, he has been a visiting researcher at the CLAS of Georgetown University, the University of Sevilla, the ALARI at Harvard University, and the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

As an author, he has published the books George Padmore: La teoría radical negra y la liberación del Sur Global (2024) and ‘¡Libertad o Muerte! Historia de la Revolución Haitiana’ (2012). As an editor, the book ‘El Sistema Colonial Develado de Jean Louis Vastey’ (2017), and as an editor and translator, the book ‘Vida y Lucha de los Trabajadores Negros,’ an anthology of texts by George Padmore (2022). His areas of study encompass the history of Latin America and the Caribbean, with a particular focus on slavery, colonialism, and racism in the region, especially with an emphasis on the history of the Haitian Revolution.

Research papers: https://unsam.academia.edu/JuanFranciscoMartinezPeria