Victoria Mutti

Victoria Mutti holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the National University of Rosario and a Master’s degree in Regional Integration Processes with a focus on economic development from the University of Buenos Aires. She is in the final stages of completing her Ph.D. in Social Sciences. Victoria has worked as an advisor and collaborator in various international organizations and has participated in academic cooperation projects on South-South relations, globalization, and transnational corporations, among other topics. Currently, she works as a consultant, university lecturer, and associated researcher in the Global Studies Program at FLACSO Argentina.

Areas of Research:

Corporate capture and extractivism in Latin America, focusing on the latest conceptualizations of accumulation models based on natural resource exploitation and the impact of transnational corporations on democracy.

The connection between Argentine foreign policy, international economic integration, and regional integration processes, with an emphasis on the case of Mercosur.
